APJITEL responded positively Interconnection Cost Reduction

Andronexus.blogspot.com, Jakarta - Telecommunication Network Operator Association (APJATEL) deplored the attitude of the government is delaying implementation of the new interconnection fees.

Because of this decline can provide an opportunity for operators to offer affordable rates for its customers.

According to the Consumer Protection Law No. 8 of 1999 Article 4th, consumer rights are the rights to the comfort, security, and safety in consumption of goods and / or services.

The decline in interconnection rates is expected to provide convenience to consumers in using telecommunications services.

"Interconnection is a necessity in an era of multi-operator accordance with the laws in force. With this decline, the government can help operators provide services more affordable, "said Chairman APJATEL, Lukman Adjam through an official statement to the Tekno Andronexus.blogspot.com , Monday (09/05/2016).

APJATEL proposed a formula calculating the cost-based interconnection ( cost-based ), ie by half-circuit or the range of the cost can be reduced to $ 60-70 per minute.

For your information, fees interconnection is the cost of network connectivity between operators when a customer makes a call to a different operator ( off-net ).

Government itself ultimately lower interconnection costs average 26 percent to Rp 204 per minute to 18 call scenarios.

Assignment which should come into effect on 1 September had to be postponed due to Telkom and Telkomsel had not submitted List Reference Interconnection Offer (RIO) to the government.

Further, according to Ade Tjendra Chairman of Cooperation Inter-Agency APJATEL, the government should not have to hesitate in setting interconnection rates are affordable.

the reductions are expected to provide a positive signal for the development of infrastructure of telecommunication in Indonesia.

"We urge all parties to work harder again to ensure equal distribution of telecommunication services so as to reach all levels of society in an effort to improve the welfare and competitiveness of the nation, "said Ade.

(Cas / Isk)

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