133,000 Papuans Telecommunication Network Misses

Andronexus.blogspot.com, Jakarta - Location Pegunungan Stars who are in the ranks Jayawijaya Mountains , make the area has limitations in the infrastructure development.

However, infrastructure development in these areas is very important. It's given condition rugged terrain and its strategic position in the center of the island of Papua, which borders with Papua New Guinea.

"But the infrastructure constraints in Pegunungan This star is a little helped by the existence of telecommunications infrastructure constructed by the operator," the Head of Department Population and Civil Registration Bintang Mountains Regency, Untung Priya Eka.

Through a statement on Monday (05/09/2016), in Jakarta, Untung said that after the presence of telecommunications facilities in the city of Oksibil in 2004, Bintang Mountains district has begun to open. Relations with the outside world can even occur.

Prior to the telecommunications network, the information must be delivered in relay from village to village. After that, the dissemination of such information to other districts using a radio network Single Side Band (SSB) which is owned by the military.

"In the presence of telecommunications, public Pegunungan star can already enjoy telecommunications services making it easier to get in touch with the outside world, "said Lucky.

But until now, telecom infrastructure built are still limited in some cities, such as Oksibil, Kiwirok, Batom, Iwur, Teraplu, and Tinibil. In fact, there are many cities in the Bintang Mountains district requiring telecommunications network.

There are 34 districts in the Bintang Mountains district. Besides the numbers are still small, the capacity of telecommunications networks is also built fairly limited.

Untung said capacity telecommunications network in Bintang Mountains district only 120 handset only.

"If you exceed 120 handsets, Telkomsel service will be disrupted," he said.

Because there is still a lack of telecommunications infrastructure networks are inadequate in its territory, Untung deplored the statement of the Minister of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT ) Rudiantara before the Commission I of the Parliament some time ago.

"As to who ordered Telkomsel to build in remote areas, the statement is very painful and offensive to people in Pegunungan Stars," she regretted.

MCIT judged to be sensitive to the suffering of people in remote and isolated areas that exist throughout Indonesia.

"Do people in Papua is not part of the Homeland? MCIT pack dare not talk like that in front of the Bintang Mountains Regency society? If you dare, risk Papua will be separated from the Homeland. During this time the people of Papua are always screaming asking for independence in the absence of equitable development, "said Lucky.

He said that the commitment to build telecommunications networks carried out by operators in the region are still not sufficient. It is not enough Telkomsel are serving. Other operators were asked to participate to build on its territory.

Fortunately, even begged MCIT would encourage other telecommunications operators to develop telecommunications infrastructure in Bintang Mountains district. By doing so, the isolation in Bintang Mountains district can be reduced so that the community's economy, amounting to 133 thousand people it could also increase.

"We missed Indosat and XL to contribute to building telecommunications network in Bintang Mountains district. For telecommunication has become a major requirement for people in Bintang Mountains, according to the Nawa Cita President Jokowi, "he hoped.

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