Terrific, Researcher Indonesia's Create Sustainable Coal

GasMin With this innovation, the problem slagging could be resolved and produce a fuel gas that is clean and efficient. Yeni said, this innovation not only in the gasification process, but also on the technology of combustion gases through innovative burner which is adapted to the characteristics of the fuel gas, the fuel gas plus liquid fuel / ter.

Not only that, the performance gasifier was piloted in 2011 and then in West Nusa Tenggara. At that time, GasMin coal is used for roasting tobacco leaves in the oven.

is known, the performance of gasifier coal was able to compete with other fuels such as kerosene and wood fuel, which at the time dominated the fuel oven tobacco.

Pemasangan peralatan cerobong GasMin (Sumber: Istimewa)

More Efficient and Cost-Effective

technically fuel use through gasification process is more efficient, because there was a lot of heat is wasted compared to combustion using a solid fuel such as wood, biomass, and briquettes or coal.

another thing is the benefits of the use gasifier coal is energy costs more affordable. Based on testing, the cost of energy by using gasifier , either by burning coal or biomass combined with only Rp 512 - Rp 536 per kg of tobacco. Meanwhile, if the oven using the fuel, the cost could reach Rp 1,440 per kg of tobacco.

Based on this success, in 2012-2013, GasMin design was developed for the scale of 20 kg / hr. This design is pilot project Sentra Processing Technology and the Center for Technology Processing and Utilization of Coal, palimanan, West Java.

In addition to the fuel gas, gasifier who have successfully generates gas (CO, H2 and CH4), also can be used for gas engines replace the use of fuel.

Related to the development of this research, research tekMIRA has established cooperation for development GasMin research and development Agency Innovation South Sumatera Province to drying coffee in Lahat regency.

Tungku batu bara terhubung dengan tabung-tabung melalui pipa. (Sumber: Istimewa)
to produce an optimal design, test GasMin coal expanded by trial smelting nonfero and industrial use boiler in 2014. in 2015, GasMin implemented in the aluminum smelting industry and industries that use use boiler in Yogyakarta.

the activity was supported by a Memorandum of Understanding between the Research and Development Agency of Energy and the Governor of Yogyakarta and cooperation agreement between the Center for tekMIRA Bandung with the Department of industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs DIY.

In the future GasMin expanded coal use for small industries based GasMin. This attempt to meet GasMin commercialization in 2017.

(Tin / Isk)

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