Camera and Lens Care Tips For Not Jamuran, Jakarta In order for the camera you can always be counted on to produce photo quality, not just the camera that need to be treated. The camera lens that you have also not forgotten.

Yes, the lens is the 'eye' of the camera who was instrumental in capturing the clarity, color, and image detail. Then how to take care of the camera and lens to last a long time and not moldy?

Here are simple steps you can do.

Save A Worthy

Indonesia is a tropical country which means to have fairly high humidity (above 70 percent). That figure will rise during the rainy season.

high humidity can damage electronic components as well as a camera sensor, so the fungus can grow and thrive in the optical lens. Even so, the level of humidity that is too low is not good because it can interfere with the mechanical system of the camera.

Precisely, the movement of mechanical components at risk the camera can not move smoothly (drag).

Ideally, the level of moisture in the lens and the camera is 40-50 percent Relative Humidity (RH). For more details, read the manual and your camera lens. Then, find the ideal rules operating range , and check the recommended humidity ranges.

So, where should the camera and lens are stored? It helps you buy cleaning cabinet so that it can control the level of humidity.

Dry cabinet is a special cabinet designed to hold electronic items. You can buy it at a camera store, with prices ranging from Rp 1 million.

However, if you do not have sufficient funds, can use an airtight box and put a few bags of silica gel in it.

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